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Selling Advertising Space on your website

Once you have steady line of visitors and became famous, you can sell some space on your web pages to put advertisements. Your advertisers may relevant to your business seeking similar customers. You will not going to loose your customers, since they will go to advertisers website, only if they are unable to find what they are looking for in your web site. Hence, you must be always dealing with your competitors; you will generate extra income from your advertisement without loosing sales. There are several advertising options that you can consider of;

Banner ads – This is an ad with text and graphics or animations. You can put banner ads on top, side or bottom of your web pages. But the most effective way is placing banner ads on top of the page and left or right navigation pane of a website. Banner ads are a link to the advertiser’s home page. When visitors click on a banner ad, he should redirect to the advertisers home page. You have to be careful about the size of the banner ad, because larger sizes will take more time to download and appear on visitor’s browser. This is not a good practice, because a visitor is expecting a web page to appear quicker in the browser.

Superstitions – these are the ads that appear while a page loads. Sometimes refers as flash screens or flash ads. Specially, you can use these while a user registration is in progress or while a heavy content page is loading. But be careful not to use superstitions while loading your catalog pages. Because, customer may go to another site, before he see your products. The most appropriate way to implement superstitions is that make them to appear in a new window. So, they will still be on your website, while seen the advertiser’s website in a new window.

Sponsorships – if you are a reseller or you represent a number of business groups, then you can place sponsorship ads. These are same as banner ads, but explicitly mark then as sponsorships because, your advertiser represent some part of your website. Sponsors put their sponsorship ads, because they have a very good faith on your website. Specially, if you running a business portal.

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