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IT Project for Students to Learn Coding

A basic IT Project using PHP and MySQL. This system is for a retail electronic store that sells products for its customers on installment payment schemes. I uploaded all development notes, source codes and the full project folder including MySQL database for IT students to learn coding using PHP.

You can read all about this project at website.

PHP File Upload Script

Uploading a file using PHP to a web server is a basic function. But many students having difficulty in understanding this process. So, I created this simple script to explain you how to upload a file to web server using PHP and HTML Form.

First we need to create an HTML form with a special additional option in the form tag. When uploading a file we need to define the "enctype" stands for encode type. This tell the browser how to send data to the web server. We need to use "multipart/form-data" as the enctype when uploading files.

You need to include this form in an HTML file with proper headers and definitions. After selecting a file (in this case a photo) and when click on the submit button, web browser sends file data to the web server. Following PHP script validate and save file in the web server.

// ********************* global image upload script ***************************//
if($_FILES['photo']['name'] == '') { // if this is empty, no file is selected, show error message
$error = "Please select an image file to upload";
$attachment = strtolower($_FILES['photo']['name']); // convert file name to lower case
$attachment = str_replace(" ", "_", $attachment); // replace white spaces with underscore
        // photo should be either jpg or peng and less than 5MB
if ((
($_FILES['photo']['type'] == "image/png") || 
($_FILES['photo']['type'] == "image/jpeg") || 
($_FILES['photo']['type'] == "image/pjpeg")
) && ($_FILES['photo']['size'] < 5000000)) {
if ($_FILES['photo']['error'] > 0) { // if server error occurs
// There is an error in the uploaded file
$error = 'There was an error in the uploaded file. Please upload again!';
// No errors in the uploaded file, proceed to uploading the file
$attachment = rand(111,999)."_".$attachment; // create a random file name
$save_file = "files/".$attachment; // save file in "files" folder
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $save_file); // save file
$error = "Error during the file upload, please try again!";
// *********************** end of photo upload script ********************************//

You can create a function  using this script and easily call the function when need to upload a file.

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